Tuesday, March 15, 2011


WARNING: The following post may ramble.

Well, in case you failed to notice my absence for the past four days, I've been busy. And as such, lost NaBloPoMo for March. *sentimental tear* Well, I suppose I should just keep blogging? I'm sure I'll try this again some other month. For now I'll just keep posting when I can. I want to get to 5,000 views by the end of July. So, hopefully, I can reach that goal. (The fact that I only have about 1,300 views as of right now will not stop me.)

And just so you know, this may be a very very long post that hardly anyone will actually read - especially considering the fact that I actually had to write everything I wanted to talk about down on a Post-it note so I wouldn't forget it all.

I saw The Social Network finally. It was a great movie and I think the characters were portrayed well. Not like a lot of movies, where the main character is very lovable and you have no problems except for the fact that s/he's just too amazing and the antagonists are just horrible. In this case, Mark Zuckerberg was very much a real person and played very well. However, I'm not too sure about having Justin Timberlake playing Sean Parker. That seemed a little strange to me.

I also saw District 9 last night. That was one of the more depressing movies I've seen in a really long time. It was good though. It made me think about a lot of things. Like how would we react if we ran into aliens. It's a really interesting idea and the movie was made incredibly well. The graphics for the "prawns" were amazing.

Life Stuff:
College starts in a week and a half. I still need to buy my textbooks and figure out how to get a ride there and back. I'm mostly worried about Mondays and Wednesdays, because I think I'll be taking the bus there and back. That would suck just a little. Tuesdays and Thursdays I can just get a ride from my mom if I need to. I should also get a bus pass for the month or something like that. I should just look up how to do that. Also, I should get a parking permit.

I've felt rather demotivated lately. This is bad. So, I've started making a list of things I can do to be interested in and all that jazz. The list is as follows:
  • Programming (I used to know html, I forgot. I should learn again.)
  • Read more; specifically more informational stuff. Maybe a little fiction here and there.
  • Write more; generally I save my writing for July because that way I don't get burned out, but I've had a lot of ideas lately. I'll make a separate post about all of those ideas running through my mind.
  • Exercise; once again, I really need to start doing this. I would run, but it's rainy and we have a Nordic Track (Google it), if it was a treadmill, I'd run more. They're just more fun.
  • Blog! Find a more thematic blog maybe? More on that down below
New blog? I think I'll keep this as a more personal, generalized blog. However, as few of you know, I am super crazy into Civilization IV, and my computer finally decided it wanted to read CDs again. And now I can play it again! So, I'm thinking maybe I can do a blog all about Civilization IV. There's a thousand different things I can do for it. It would take me a few years, maybe even a couple decades to go through every option I could do. It would be insane. Maybe that's just interesting to me. Maybe there's people out there who would get into it. Who knows. What do you think??

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