Monday, March 7, 2011

Free Time

It happened. I have free time. And now that I have this free time I'm not actually sure what to do with it.

Obviously I'm going to do a blog post about this dilemma.

It's been so long since I've had free time, it's like a foreign concept to me. I have free time and I'm just sitting here going "What is there to do?" I mean, it took me a good solid five or ten minutes to realize I could do something I enjoy doing. I feel like it's sad that that's true.

I think I'm going to write. I haven't written in a while. Maybe change that into planning for JulNoWriMo. With work, and the cruise taking away the first four days, and it just being summer, I want to be really planned out ahead of time. Hopefully I don't get too tired of the story(ies?) by July. No burning out. Burning out is bad.

I cleaned my office up today. Mostly because I wanted a nap on the floor and it was just a little disgusting. But I cleaned my office! I vacuumed it and everything! I'm very proud of myself.

I think when the weather starts to be consistently nice, I'll start biking or running or something. I feel like I should be in better shape. I feel like it's beneficial and stuff. And I'd feel better and I would be way more legit when it comes to life. I've always wished I could be more epic and in shape and awesome and stuff like that.

Well, I guess that's it for today.
Please comment!

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