Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Poor Laptop

She's getting old. And I say she purposely, her name is Penelope.
I've had her for three years, and it's been three wonderful, great years. And I never want to replace her. However, her disc (disk? Is there a correct way to spell this?) drive is breaking down. It takes three or four times at least for a cd to stay in the drive and then a couple more times to read it.
I feel for her, and I understand she's getting old. But is it too much to ask to read the CDs I'm trying to upload? I hope not.

JulNoWriMo Update:
It's 8 days into JulNo and I'm pretty much right where I should be. This is a bad thing. Because I am really busy the second half of July and will need as much written as possible before the 14th or 15th. I got the 25k last night, and I'm going for 30k tonight. I am well on track for this too. I feel like a beastly writer of beastliness today. :)

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