Saturday, July 10, 2010

Self Discovery

There are a lot of things you find out about yourself when you get your driver's license. For instance: I talk to myself a lot, when given the chance. And take part in singing many Disney songs when on my own in a car.
Today I took my first real trip by myself in my car. It was only like 30 minutes each way, which isn't too long, but long enough to go through some self discovery.

Well, in case you haven't noticed yet, I really don't have that much to talk about.

Oh, I started Novel Swapping today and sent my first 3 chapters to someone who requested it. And I officially love them, because they gave me a glowing review. I sort of think they're insane, because it hasn't been edited or anything. However, I love them anyways.

JulNoWriMo update:
I got to 32k just before midnight (which was only about 20 minutes ago) and I'm hoping for 1 or 2k more before I go to sleep tonight, because I am surprisingly not tired whatsoever.

Note to self: Clean room


  1. Good luck with your JulNo. O: Despite this being the first draft, I'm sure you're doing excellent.

  2. I read your writing excerpt, and I love the idea of the novel. The one thing I would work on is playing with sentence lengths and styles- especially in the middle, they are all about the same length... Mix it up!
    Either wise, keep going!
