Monday, April 4, 2011

The Brilliant Script Idea

So, while writing my script for script frenzy, that honestly I'm not all that into because I don't know what's going on, I came up with this idea.

Okay, I rediscovered this idea, because I didn't come up with it. And I was given this idea last summer. Oh well, here's what's going on:

I'm doing Script Frenzy and need something to write about.
I'm planning for JulNoWriMo so I can actually finish a novel.
I'm combining the two together!

A while back, while taking a class on character and plot development, a wonderful writer-slash-publisher named Jeff Gerke taught me many things.
One of those many things he taught me about was in-depth character development.
If you work it right, it involves writing scripts. Which is what I need to do.

You take your character that you would like to develop. Then take a topic if you wish (This is optional, really.) Then, have them on a stage. They have their setting of choice. Whatever actions are going on. They're basically directing. And then have them talk about this topic or show this topic. If there's no topic. Have them tell a story. A story about themselves.

I personally like the having them tell a story about themselves. It lets me discover these events that happened in their lives that I never really knew about, but makes my characters who they are.

And it gets things written.

So, that's the brilliant script idea.

Also, I seem to be keeping up with NaBloPoMo this month. So I guess I am doing it. Maybe I'll get further than in March.

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