Thursday, February 2, 2012

People Aren't Excited and I Don't Get It

I love school. I'll probably be taking night classes my entire life. Just because I want to. I've been looking at what my schooling schedule will be like the next few years and I have a lot of credits that I want to fulfill, but also, I just want to take all these classes. It makes me wonder why people don't enjoy school.

So, that's what I've been thinking about the past couple weeks. Why don't people don't enjoy learning? Why people don't get excited about things? And why don't people want to know everything?

I don't really know, but I have guesses. Everyone in the entire world gets excited about something. The only problem is, getting excited about anything except for sports and the latest scandal in pop culture is usually looked down upon. And the people that do get excited about things are called nerds, which is for some reason, often considered a bad thing.

I believe the world would be a better place if people got excited about things. I've never been one to care about what other people are thinking. I find everything interesting and get excited about so many things. But I get weird looks, get called a freak a lot or people just nod their heads and smile when I get excited. Truthfully, I don't even realize I'm way over excited about something people don't think anyone should care about. I don't understand why things aren't interesting to people.

What I find sad, is that people don't realize the importance of enjoying things and getting excited about things until they're old. Too old to get a second chance usually. Whenever I talk to older people, 50+, they think that it's great when I get excited about things. They're very encouraging to anyone who is excited and wants to do anything.

There's so many things out there to learn in life. For me, I'm bothered by the fact that I probably won't live long enough to learn everything. (I'm going to try my damned hardest though.) It bewilders me that people can just sit back and let the world happen around them.

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